Connecting the Communities of Estero Bay
The communities of Estero Bay – Morro Bay, Cayucos, and Los Osos are integrally connected, by the natural environment, economically, and socially. Located on California's famed Highway 1, they form the southern terminus of the Big Sur corridor and welcome thousands of visitors annually. While inherent natural beauty forms the basis for economic development, residents also value tightly-knit bonds formed by everyday interactions. Schools, clubs, and informal groups draw from the entirety of Estero Bay and it is common for residents to travel between communities to access activities and services.
Currently, two roadways provide a connection between the three communities, Highway 1 and South Bay Boulevard. Motorized traffic is prioritized by design, limiting opportunities for active transportation. Cycling infrastructure is typically shared on roadways and a circuitous route, blind curves, and debris create substantial safety barriers towards that end. This proposal, anchored by a three-quarter mile long bicycle causeway, seeks to eliminate these barriers and simultaneously enhance recreational and economic opportunity by creating a continuous ten-mile pathway for pedestrians and cyclists that is completely separated from motorized traffic.
Following this new alignment, the cycling route becomes significantly shorter (and safer) between three key commercial centers – Cayucos, Downtown Morro Bay, and the Baywood Commercial District – and provides a convenient new transportation alternative for both residents and visitors.