Desert Hot Springs Downtown Vision
Desert Hot Springs, located at the northern edge of the Coachella Valley, is a community uniquely poised for transformative placemaking. Great places don’t happen by accident however—they are the result of deliberate and sustained efforts by those who live and work there. As part of a year-long planning initiative, the Downtown Vision outlines incremental improvements that develop community assets.

Downtown Campbell Concept Plan
A pedestrian-oriented transect bridges two vital community assets, Downtown and Campbell Park. This anchors an "innovation ecosystem" designed to foster small business by strengthening the connection between important community gathering spaces.

The Milk Shed
Living in the "Milk Shed" is something of a right of passage in our family. Originally used to process dairy products, this design/build modifies the structure as an autonomous master bedroom, maximizes interior space and incorporates custom finishes and passive design strategies.

Baywood Bike Bridge
Anchored by a three-quarter mile long bicycle causeway, this proposal seeks to eliminate active transportation barriers and enhance recreational and economic opportunities by creating a continuous ten-mile pathway for pedestrians and cyclists that is completely separated from motorized traffic.

Los Piletones Master Plan
Led by professor Sergio Palleroni and BASIC Initiative, our group was tasked with developing a comprehensive master plan for the informal settlement of Los Piletones, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Haiti Ideas Competition
The 2010 Haitian earthquake devastated communities and left over 500,000 people homeless and. By leveraging existing NGO resources, skills and training can be taught, then multiplied to rebuild physical infrastructure and build social capital.